Tuesday 25 September 2012


I had my first experience the other day of feeding baby Ailsa with a bottle.  It initially felt weird for both me and my wife Liz  for her as she felt like she wasn't needed, and didn't know what to do with herself.  For me it was that I was helping I was feeding which I had only sat and watched over the past few weeks. But Ailsa took to the bottle ok and it was good practice for her as both me and Liz wanted an afternoon lunch to ourselves over the weekend (Nanny was looking after her for us)

But knowing that I can feed  helped and also means that if Liz ever needs that extra time to sleep or needs to go out then I can take over and do this feeling confident that a. she will take the bottle and b. I can hold baby lying her on my hemi arm and feed with my right arm

Wednesday 22 August 2012


Well it is now a week since little Ailsa was born and still in love with her (even though i am not getting a full nights sleep).

I am still having issues with nappies after again trying to do it it is still an issue lifting her up to put a nappy underneath her but the rest I am being a lot more successful with and replacing her clothes.

I am hoping that iot will be easier with re-useable nappies as they are bigger and less scrunched up so will hopefully be able to put them on a lot better I will let you know results

Friday 17 August 2012

Day 1

Ailsa Louisa Taylor  was born yesterday afternoon 16.08.12 weighing 6lb 7oz.  The first day has been a real mix of testing out baby products.  Failure one nappy hanging harder than expected try to hold baby up with hemi hand  so i could wipe was hard and to lift her to put nappy underneath was  near impossible due to her sliding up the mat (but am sure in time it will be easily done.

Using baby sling is brilliant baby is asleep on my chest as i am writing this tucked up in the sling it was easy to put on and put Ailsa in and i still have full movement of my non hemi arm

The pram was esy to put up and down and I was able to move around easily and place baby in and out of it with no difficulty

All in all day one officially a 75% success

Sunday 5 August 2012

arrival imminent

Well tomorrow is the due date (its gone very fast)

So time to put everything into practise and I wil give regular updates on findings when baby arrives and I look forward to telling you how I get on

Wish me luck

Friday 13 July 2012

pram issues

4 weeks till due date

I was clearing babies roo in the week getting rid of boxes and decided to put the pram together. In doing this we found thaty the Maxi cosi car seat is not one hand proof you need two hands to secure the seat onto the buggy. And also need two hands to move the carrying bar.

The bonus is that I won't need to use it in the car on my own as I don't drive.  Still a bit of a pain though but the pram on the other hand is brilliant and can be used easily with the one hand

Monday 18 June 2012

7 weeks left

I know it has been a while since I last updated my blog just to let you all know that everything is running smoothly at present we have got seven weeks left until the due dates  so getting closer.  in terms of how I am feeling I am excited but there is some trepidation at the same time.

We are now fully prepared in the house for our babies arrival the nursery is fully kitted out we have the hospital bag packed and ready, antenatal classes have been attended and we have learnt what is going to happen in the weeks leading up to due date and also what is going to happen post birth.

Friday 18 May 2012

baby sling

Carrying baby and doing other jobs is hard enough with two hands let alone one.  I decided early on that I was going to look into slings to carry the baby in so that I can securely hold baby as I  walk about the house and also while I work. 

Tere are a lot of different slings out there  but most from what we looked at you needed a secomnd hand with the Close Baby carrier  we found that it looked simple to use as you slipped it on like a t shirt and also was easy to adjust.

I have started to test it out round the house in preparation for babies arrivsal in 12 weeks time and here is the evidence